At first I was going to talk about how I was less than three months away from my high school reunion, which leaves me feeling ancient...10 YEARS...
Then I was gonna write about how I have no idea who my health insurance provider will be, come January 2018....
Then I wanted to rant about my fear of clowns ever since the Mariah Carey music videos we had to watch, thanks to my babysitter being OBSESSED at the time with them...
THAT BRINGS ME TO...My actual topic-cyberbullying, it's been popping up on facebook, not to mention TV shows, that aren't even about anyone committing suicide-like that one show, on that one online streaming channel. I sincerely hope that none of my comments towards the random haters in my life has been misconstrued as cyberbullying but rather as cyber self-defense. I didn't ask to be judged, picked on, or made fun of in real life or cyberlife, yet so many of us are. I would say it's because people are just jealous, but the truth is some people are just assholes who will tell you to kill yourself-yes this happened to me as an adult, as a pre/teen someone made threats and held something approximately the right size to my head one day...see The Middle School Years...But I was told to kill myself as an adult, in a place that worked with teenagers no less, by adults who just didn't care. At the time-I was coming up with suicide plans as it was-I didn't need their "help". Luckily everything worked out fine in my case, I got help, and didn't do anything rash, and figured out that the true way to make them suffer was by living life to the fullest, which I intend to do everyday for the rest of it-till it comes to a natural end.
Something that also changes your mind- almost having your life taken from you, the blood clots and bleeding back in July 2016, changes your perspective on life, you worry less, love more, and overall are happy you don't have to get poked all the time anymore, once off the blood thinners...
Basically if you happen to be reading this after having been cyberbullied, feeling suicidal, please don't kill yourself, distance yourself from those people clearly, but please don't do it, don't kill yourself.
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