Back to my resolution to write a little each day, dear readers...
Interview after interview makes me realize that maybe being a Substitute Educational Assistant/Associate in my local school district is the way to go, but I have one last interview set up for an actual part-time position, so we shall see what becomes of me soon enough, that's if Golden Man-bun doesn't foil my plans, yet again. Let me tell some stories that don't really fit together...
#1 My last day as a Senior at the local high school, I, a thin yet flabby 17 year old, shoulder length dishwater blonde hair, with glasses, stands in the back lobby telling my friends how much I'll miss them crowded in sardine tin tight. I lift my arms up for a few yearbook photos, one of which made the front cover, another that hung in the hallway of the school for at least a year after...
Anyways, the bell had rung, hence the posing for pictures with arms raised. I slowly get carried away into the stream away from my friends, heading down the main hallway that lead to the front doors. As I walk almost with no hint of CP, (from my POV) some Sophomore, I think? Maybe not Junior, as they're so focused on taking tests for the next steps in their life. A freshman male that I didn't know would have probably shit a brick had I responded, and the few freshmen males that I knew, knew my name, because I knew their older siblings. No, this must have been a Sophomore, cocky enough to talk to someone, specifically a female of Senior status, intellectually inept of answering their own common question, clearly I thought I was hot stuff, so hot, I hadn't had a boyfriend all throughout my high school sentence, of 4 years of my life...They clearly missed the newspaper article on what each of our plans were after high school, I say this, given the question that followed him elbowing me, as if I should care...(Remember, I was quite full of myself at the time.)
Anonymous Sophomore: "Hey, why aren't you smiling, happy? You're done."
My Reply: "No, college."
He was quickly drawn to the back of the crowd, I think I saw him on the news some odd years later, in handcuffs. This story my friends, one of the reasons I'm still single to this day, read some of my other darn posts for more info on that.
I went on to college, the real world- the social concept, not the show, then more college, and am now job searching like a mad-woman.
And so concludes random story #1...
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