Wednesday, April 10, 2019

I want to know what "Normal" is...


So my therapy appointment went well last Friday, and I feel hopeful that my ruminating thoughts and doubts might be able to return to being kept at bay...As the sad fact is,  that anxiety and depression, can only be treated, never cured, you might be in remission, but the thoughts and doubts will always be lurking in the background.

To help myself out after the power steering went out on my car, I cranked it all the way back to the dealership, blinkers blazing the way. last Saturday, and then was dumbfounded when I had chest pains on Monday as I was going to my fave bookstore, then to my temp job (Which ends Friday-then it's back to bakery!)...

I celebrate the other half of #Lindsaity's birthday Friday with her, and must say I'm quite excited to catch up over the last few weeks since the book sale. I wish her the best of Birthdays coming up seeing as it is quite the milestone...

Basically readers, I'm awaiting my life's return to "normal", if there is such a thing, I'm slowly thinking about what to save for my memoir about my life so far. Yes, I'm still working on that...

Stay tuned...

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