Friday, June 22, 2018

Slow Down

     So for those who don't know, the sloth is my spirit animal, if there is such a thing? Don't think I seriously believe in spirit animals, I believe as a LCMS Lutheran, I believe that although I am a sinner, that Jesus died for my sins, and have a firm belief in the Trinity...
     But if there were spirit animals, the sloth would be mine. Slow, relaxed, in thought process and decision making, as I aim to be...Not to say that I don't make rash decisions at times, am impulsive, two of my many sins, at times. But then again, if we're all being honest with ourselves, aren't we all.
      It also occurred to me that more often than not, I am rushing to get places, driving from point A to point B, and often hitting every red light, as if they were out to get me. Knowing full well, that if I refer back to my beliefs, I will know it is God's way of telling me to slow down,  the world will not end, even if I am in fact, a few minutes late...(Not a hour and 20 minutes late, like some at work, just a few.)Even though it stresses my anxious and depressed mind out to no end, that it will not be the death of me. Take the time to get there, or end up doing something I shouldn't have and winding up in an accident,or worse, really have it be the death of me...
      How often do we rush around this world, without slowing down to stop and take it all in? Say "Thank you" or "I love you" to those we work with, that are around us, or care about? That's just it, I'm only human, and I seem to err all the dang time...I'm not saying a constant stream of loving messages should be spewed, but every once in a while couldn't hurt.

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Twitter: @LindsMRoach

Instagram: @lindsayroach

Monday, June 18, 2018

Random Number 4

     I woke up today, to be reminded of my first time being asked back to the bakery...
A mansplaining dude (and I mean a dude, younger, long haired hippy, as my Grandfather would have described him...) comes in the bakery...

      Now, said dude, had apparently almost had an accident with my prior elderly female customer, on the way over, and said dude, flipped her off, to express his frustration/anger, with the lady. Dude also mansplained that he was fearful, as he saw her come in twice ( once to get product, the other looking for her sunglasses) since he had in fact flipped her off on his way in.

     Me: "Well, if you're not prepared to deal with consequences, maybe you shouldn't flip people off, the reason she came back was to look for her sunglasses. (that were on her forehead, the entire time...)"

     Dude then mansplained that I had offended him, judged him, and wanted to talk to my manager...So I got her, explained what I had said, then let him mansplain, his butthurt story to my now former manager...She basically stated what I had, and that seemed to satisfy said victim mind set  dude, and he left...

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      Instagram: @lindsayroach

       Twitter: @LindsMRoach

Friday, June 8, 2018


     So for those of you that know, I went to a gathering for some of the ladies at my church. A good portion of the time spent was focused on getting to know each other outside of church, a wonderful idea I might add. But something I had to get off my chest, when it comes to belonging at a church, there was a time I felt I didn't belong, even at my church...Let me explain.
     My Father was still in the household, and I felt obligated to go on Christmas Eve and Easter as a teenager, but otherwise, I was almost banished from church, I felt like, there were families that always greeted me, asking why I wasn't in Sunday School, or the youth groups, and to be honest, I never knew why, other than it didn't fit into my Father's plans...I had to go directly home, get a letter grade on my behavior at church, and then a second, unofficial sermon, one that pointed out what my father disagreed with...Gee, what 16-17 year-old wouldn't want that???

     As a child, we didn't have a church in Ames, and if we went, my dad, sometimes had to drag me and my bicycle up hills quite literally, as I was about to drop, from exhaustion, it felt like...Yes Mom and Brother took the air-conditioned car, I had to bike, with my Father. I was baptized at my Mother's Lutheran church in Des Moines as a baby, and for some reason, had negative views of physically going to church growing up.

     It wasn't until my Sophomore year of college, while living on campus, and literally, down some steps and across the street, and down a hill, that I started going to the church, on my own there, went to the college age meetings, and had my preconceived notions bout why those groups were created, that offended some, and I was once again, a baptized Lutheran, feeling shunned.

     Fast Forward a few years, I was out of school, my parents had separated, and I was going to church,my current church, when I wasn't saving the other half of the week from utter chaos at work...I got bold and after a time & talent sermon, decided to give the parish choir a try. I was welcomed in,  as you'll know my joining choirs, was where I most often laid down the groundwork for friendships. These developed, and then I was asked to join the youth board, and I wan't even a full fledged member of the church in my own right, after that I was selected to be a district YWR, and I'd never even gone through Confirmation, so Pastor quickly got me through adult Confirmation, and then maybe a month later I was the only YWR from the Boone Zone at the district convention, where I worshiped, fellowshiped, and got a standing ovation for my performance as "Nervous Nell, I've stayed active in the choir, when my schedule allows, and am trying to get back into working with the youth and education realms, where as a child/teenager, I was lacking in my spiritual growth...Do I feel like I belong now? Of course, and it's not that I ever felt shunned by the congregation from coming, but more not allowed by my Father...

Thursday, June 7, 2018

No, I don't want...

     Ya know, I CANNOT say how much #CPChatNow, has been a Godsend for me, till some dude comes along and ruins it, with a #CPChatNude...Dude, #sorrynotsorry, I'm gonna call you out on the BS, and tell you, it's TMI, especially when there are high schoolers joining the chat, ain't nobody got time for that...No, I don't want to join you in your hashtaging, and no, I'm not sorry, I typed it...

     The same goes for telling 18 yr olds about the time you dated a high schooler while in college...Linny (as my Grandma Ruth would say) ain't got time for that...

      Also, to that one Sophomore to my Freshman in High School, that got me threatened with expulsion (for false accusations I might add) my FIRST day of high school, because I wouldn't make conversation with you, till you stated a fact, that I have a nice hair color, then dated some other girl, another Freshman, while you both dyed your hair my color, then turned a radiant shade of orange...okay, so I had a crush, till the false tan orange, that shit's not natural....

     In conclusion, guys, please save it for somebody who cares...

Tuesday, June 5, 2018


     To the majority of you, you may not be in Iowa, but let me explain. Today is the primary in Iowa, or if you look up what that is, you vote to help decide who  goes on to run, in this case most notably, for Governor. As well as if you know me, AT ALL, you know unlike my right-wing father, and left-wing brother, that I hate politics. As such, I refuse to have any political party affiliation. So, come primaries, I get no option to vote for, as I believe, when voting, it really is choosing the lesser of the evils, and the primaries are really just a bunch of hokum, about people that were already running anyways, it's basically just the cue for the others to drop out of said political race...
     You might figure that with my Father & Brother being so active in the political realm, that I might actually care, but you see, the competing testosterone, while I love them, kind of killed my enthusiasm about politics, so I take my Mother's & Grandfather's approach to politics, which is this-choosing the lesser of the evils...And while in my youth, I voted for some republicans, since they seem to want control over every female body, even in some cases of rape or incest, if not properly documented, with none for males, I've been a liberal-leaning independent, ever since...

     Regardless of your political influences, dear Readers, you do read my blog, so that's step one, to becoming, no I'm just kidding, do what you want...


Twitter: @LindsMRoach

Instagram: @lindsayroach