Sunday, December 27, 2015

What To Do...

What do you do when...
faced with an awkward conversation? With a person you did not want to see? They have no clue who you are? How do you handle these situations...

Not being in high school anymore, helps greatly in most situations. Although, there are times that can not be avoided, someone unexpected comes along, you don't know more than a name and face of, they don't know you, and what do you do. State that you know the mutual person, that is known? Pretend you know nothing? That's my go to and pretend you don't know them...Moral of the story here kids-Don't stick your nose in where it doesn't belong. It only leads to trouble...

I was talking to "Bubba Joe Jack" (Maybe or maybe not the same person mentioned in earlier posts)...And he mentioned his girlfriends name, we shall call her "Lou-Lou". Being curious as to what she was like having never met her before and social media being a terrible thing, I found her having been the only one named "Lou-Lou" on the profile on social media that shall remain nameless. So then I had a name and face right?

Right. The trouble comes in when I went to a store one day to pick up an  online order.

Lou-Lou asked "Hi, can I help you?" I walked up to see the name tag spelled correctly to match the face.
I replied "Yes, I have an order to pick up for Lindsay Rrrr..." I felt weird saying my name to this person, that I didn't want to particularly know, nor did I know, nor should I have known-but did thanks to my big nose.

"You have an order to pick-up?" She quickly replied, thankfully. She took my driver's license and entered in the information, and went and found my order. Returned with both of the correct items
asked me if they were correct, and put them in a bag. We said our thank yous and I went on my way.

So I did make it through unnoticed, as long as she doesn't know me, I'm good...But we shall see later if I really went unnoticed...

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